Saturday, April 7, 2018

Protect Yourself From a Romance Scam!

These days, it's hard to meet someone - and when you do, have that person be someone with the qualities you are looking for.  It's possible but not too likely, and people who turn to online dating sites know they are taking a chance.

 But every now and then, your luck is with you and you meet someone who may be right for you.  You dare not hope against hope, because the odds are against you.  Yet, as the days and weeks go by, you find yourself more and more attracted to the person.

This person seems to be everything you are looking for and you start to wonder why they haven't had a meaningful relationship before this.  They seem to be your online soulmate, and even though it's hard to believe, you haven't found any reasons to dismiss the two of you as a couple.  Your friends are skeptical, but you assure them you know how to weed out "the bad ones" and you have everything under control. 

The person is almost too good to be believed because they mirror your own likes and dislikes.  The more you find out about this person, it's as if you came from the same mold. When the old saying "If something seems too good to be true, it usually is" comes to mind, it may time to give the friendship some serious thought.

Everything is going right with the two of you, and despite what the naysayers predict, the two of you are doing great.  That is, until the person says that he "feels so close to you that he feels he can ask you anything."  He tells you he is having financial problems, and you agree to loan him some money.  You feel good about doing it, and he is loving it because now he knows he has you where he wants you.

 You take it as a another sign that the relationship is getting stronger, but his motive is to try and scam you. Now starts the vicious cycle and he will rob you blind if you let him, and scam you 'til the cows come home.  He is a professional and has perfected his smooth-talking ways to lure you in. 

He asks you to do things that are illegal, all to his advantage.  In reality, he could care less about you and your feelings, or even if you end up getting hurt; all he cares about is bilking you out of tons of money and when you finally say "enough is enough," then he will go on to scout out his next victim.  You end up getting hurt and he ends up with money, which is all he was after in the first place.

Romance scammers are good at what they do - avoid them at all costs, to save yourself heartache and financial ruin.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Looking Beyond the Screen

Not all long distance relationships work out. Distance can put a strain on a newly founded relationship, especially if the relationship is not a physical one. As popular as online dating may be, there are still some major concerns that are really too big to ignore or work through without meeting face to face.

Challenges Facing Online Dating

Online dating presents some serious challenges. Anyone looking to build a long time relationship might want to reconsider online dating as the most appropriate option. Why online dating will not work? There are a number of reasons, but the most crucial reasons are listed below.

Long distance relationships hardly work at all. Lack of time and many miles apart are at the root of online dating. Relationships require work. Unfortunately, there is the lack of time that puts even physical relationships in distress. Not spending any time at all together, except on a computer screen or in a chat room, does not equal quality time.

Trust is a major factor when it comes to starting a relationship in front of a computer screen. Does the person really look the way the profile shows or not? Is this person telling me the truth about his or her age? Is this person a predator, or does this person really want a relationship? The answer to these questions are hard to answer without meeting with the other person face to face.

Infidelity is a major problem among online daters. The ability to refrain from a physical relationship is tempting. There is nothing physically exciting to look forward to, no hugs and kisses, no walks on the beach, no late night movies, and no private time together; these are the problems associated with online dating.

The Person Behind the Screen

Online dating is special, and not everyone can accept the fact - that they cannot see the person they are chatting with through the computer screen. If sex appeal is a problem, online dating will definitely be a problem. People often misinterpret each other if they are not able to see each other. Online dating does not allow people to see each other, unless both parties have a webcam.

Online dating is not the best place to find a life-long relationship. There are more disadvantages to online dating than there are advantages. Many people find out quickly just how difficult it is to maintain an online relationship. The thought of possibly never laying eyes on the person behind the screen is usually enough to make most people think twice about online dating.

The biggest drawback is the misconception of how online dating works. Everyone is not truthful about their past or their present. Chatting with someone beautiful and intellectual is what most people are looking for from an online dating experience. This misguided thought leads many people to falsify their profile and upload fake images of themselves. These are just some of the most serious reasons why online dating does not, and will not work. The challenges of maintaining an online relationship is just too complicated and way too demanding.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Seven Small Gestures to Say "I Love You"

Do you think your significant other feels neglected? Perhaps you are involved in a long-term relationship and want to reignite the spark that’s missing. Or you may wish to keep your new love interest happy. Regardless of your situation, you should consider displaying your affection with the following seven small gestures to say “I love you.”

Cook Dinner

One of the most romantic ways to show your love for your partner is to cook dinner for her. Prepare something delicious for your loved one on a day when she has to work late and will be too tired to cook. Make the night special by decorating the table with nice linens, buying some flowers for a centerpiece, and lighting some aromatic candles.

Hide a Love Note

Many long-lasting couples have one thing in common: They shower each other with love notes for life. Who says sending mushy love messages has to end when you become adults? Write down something special for your sweetheart and hide it some place where he will definitely find it later. Some great places include a sock drawer, taped to the car steering wheel, or inside the refrigerator.

Brag About Your Partner

Make your special someone feel loved by bragging about him to others while he’s present. For example, tell your parents how he calls you each day during his lunch break. Or praise him for taking out the trash each afternoon.

Show a Little PDA

You can say “I love you” to your significant other and the world with a little PDA, or public display of affection. Grab her hand as the two of you walk into the grocery store. Give her a lingering kiss on the lips while walking in the park. Put your arm around her at the movie theater. Showing affection publicly will make her feel loved and secure in the relationship.

Surprise Your Loved One with a Gift

Show your partner how much you love him by surprising him with a small gift. You don’t have to spend a ton of money. You simply need to put some thought into buying something he would enjoy. For example, you could purchase him his favorite candy bar and tie a bow around it. Or you could make him a new picture frame; then, you could place a goofy picture of the two of you in it.

Dance With Your Mate

Does your partner tell you that you don’t spend enough quality time with her? If so, you should consider displaying your love to her by dancing with her. Surprise her by dressing up in your best suit of clothes, playing her favorite music, and asking her for a dance.

Complete a Chore for Your Loved One

An inexpensive way to display your love to someone is to work for him. Surprise your significant other today by completing a dreaded chore for him. Perhaps he’s been putting off washing his car for two weeks. While he’s away from home, get out a bucket, a rag, the hose, some car cleaner, and wash his car for him. Or you could volunteer to get the oil changed or clean out his aquarium.
You don’t need a special occasion to show your significant other how much you love her. Remember, actions often speak louder than words. Try one or more of the above seven small gestures. You might be surprised at how far a little romance will take you.

Monday, April 2, 2018

How to Have a Good Marriage

You must be excited and busy planning your wedding. However, you should think about marriage. It may seem like you only met your future spouse a couple days ago, and now you are planning the wedding. It is completely normal to slow down and take a second to think about what you are getting ready for. 

Marriage is very serious. Some people rush into marriage or get married for the wrong reasons. You don’t want to be one of those people. Do you know that about 50 percent of marriages end in divorce? Those are horrible odds! However, 50 percent do prosper and succeed. So how can you have a successful and happy marriage?


The key to any relationship is communication. You want to be able to communicate with your spouse verbally, physically, sexually, spiritually, and so on. If something is bothering you, tell your spouse about it. Even if you don’t think he will care, you might be surprised.

Also, it is important for you to listen. If your spouse is telling you something, listen. Even if he is only talking about the new iPhone that came out, listen. Maybe he is hinting that he wants the new iPhone. Or maybe he will ask you about the conversation later. You don’t want to stand there with your mouth agape not knowing what to say. Even worse, you don’t want to say that you don’t know or that you weren’t listening. 

Listening to your partner shows that you care and that you are genuinely interested in what he has to say. If you aren’t a sports fan and your partner is a huge Lakers fan, you should still try to listen when he talks about Kobe’s three-point shot. It shows your partner that you care and that you are trying to show interest. Your partner will greatly appreciate it and love you more for it.

Do Not Play the Blame Game

If a problem or conflict arises, do not blame your partner. Even if it is his doing, you should not blame him outright. Talk about the problem, and work through it together. After you are both married, you have to get used to doing everything together. Also, since you both will be spending so much time together and living together, conflicts will arise. When there is a problem, make sure that you are both are calm. Then, talk about how to solve the problem. Never blame your partner or say something hurtful that you might regret.

Marriage will not be easy. However, if you cooperate, communicate, listen, and work together with your partner, you will have a happy and successful marriage. Also, keep in mind that the perfect marriage is not the same as having a good marriage. If you constantly try to keep everything perfect, your marriage will fail.

 If problems arise, fix them. If something is wrong, talk about it. Good luck planning your wedding! May you have a wonderful and happy marriage.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Best Way to Approach a Woman in Public

Are you tired of being the only single guy in your group of friends? Perhaps you routinely strike out when you ask women for dates.

 If this scenario sounds familiar, you need to try a different method. By learning the following steps, you can begin to utilize the best way to approach a woman in public. You may even score a few dates.

Pick the Right Location

When looking for potential dates, location is everything. If you usually lurk around bars in hopes of gaining a woman's attention, think outside of the box. Grocery stores, coffee shops, malls, sporting events, museums, and places of worship are great places to meet interesting women. Try to incorporate a hobby or interest into your endeavor.

For instance, if you like to cook, sign up for a cooking class offered by a local college. In doing so, you will have opportunities to meet single women who share your passions. 

Check Your Appearance

Once you spot a potential date at the right location, you need to check your appearance before approaching her. After all, you want to make a good first impression on her. If you have spinach stuck in your teeth or hair that looks like it hasn't been combed in a week, you risk turning her off immediately.

Make Eye Contact

Before you rush across the room to meet the potential love of your life, you first need to make eye contact with her. Don't send a creepy, icy stare her way. Remember, you want to impress her instead of scaring her. Simply look at her with interested, expressive, and kind eyes. 


Once you make eye contact with a woman, immediately smile warmly at her. You don't need to flash her with a wide, toothy grin at this point. Instead, you should show her a kind, friendly, toothless smile.

Read Her Body Language

Once you've made eye contact and smiled at a woman, you need to read her body language. Did she smile back at you? Is she even acknowledging your attention? The way she is standing is also important. If she turns away from you immediately, you probably don't need to approach her.

 If she folds her arms across her body, she might be showing disinterest or boredom at your advances. Correctly reading a woman's body language can save you from the embarrassment of rejection.

Start a Conversation

If a woman's body language is positive, you should approach her and start a conversation. Don't immediately ask for a date. You must built up a sense of comfortableness and trust with her first. Tailor your conversation to fit the setting.

For instance, if you are in the produce section of a grocery store, you could ask her for help with selecting the best avocadoes for guacamole. By making your conversation appropriate to the venue, you can begin a friendly conversation that might lead to something more.

Ask for a Date

After you've gotten to know her better, you can casually ask her for a date.
The key to getting the answer you desire is to ask her out without ever mentioning the word date.  Continuing with the above grocery example, you could tell her about your need for cooking lessons and ask her if she could show you a few pointers sometime.

 If she says no, just remember that the next attractive lady you approach might say yes. 

Approaching a woman in public can be unnerving and defeating.  However, if you follow the above steps to meeting someone, you may end up planning a date with the woman of your dreams.